Aligning Bond Portfolios with Investors’ Net Zero Ambitions (lunch included)

Aligning Bond Portfolios with Investors’ Net Zero Ambitions (lunch included)

Only 2 seats left
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/London)
ClimateDiversificationESGFixed Income/CreditSustainability


Rising yields now re-focus the role of corporate bonds for pension schemes, particularly in the context of climate transition. Delegates will have the opportunity to share insights on how portfolios can effectively decarbonise, enable the just transition to a net-zero economy, and create long-term opportunities for fixed income investors.

This roundtable is intended for CIOs of DB, LGPS and DC Schemes, and Master Trusts, as well as Chairs of Trustees of large schemes (>£1bn).

How do I register?

Places are limited. Please contact Mollie Mayo at to register your interest in joining this roundtable.

This session includes lunch.

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