BNP Paribas Asset Management

Interactive Sponsor Profiles


BNP Paribas Asset Management is 'the sustainable investor for a changing world', because we are organise to stay at the forefront of developments while maintaining an unwavering focus on what our clients want most - long-term sustainable returns, built on the firm foundations of quality assets that deliver returns over the long-term.

We manage EUR 540 billion across a broad range of asset classes on behalf of a wide range of clients, from all around the world. This is a testament to the breadth and depth of our investment expertise across all asset classes. We have specialised investment teams covering 'Fixed income and Money Markets', 'Equities', 'Multi-Assets', 'Systemic, Quantitative & Index Investments' and 'Private Assets'.

Type of business
Asset manager
Areas of interest
Alternative investmentDBDCDC consolidation / master trustsESGImpact investing

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