Natixis Investment Managers
Interactive Sponsor Profiles
Our multi-affiliate approach connects you to the independent thinking and focused expertise of more than 15 active managers. Ranked among the world’s largest asset managers1 (€1,317 trillion AUM2) we deliver a diverse range of solutions across asset classes, styles, and vehicles. We’re dedicated to advancing sustainable finance and developing innovative ESG products. We consult and partner with our clients, and continually evaluate markets and assumptions to ensure their strategy delivers on long-term goals.
1 Cerulli Quantitative Update: Global Markets 2023 ranked Natixis Investment Managers as the 17th largest asset manager in the world based on assets under management as of December 31, 2022.
2 Assets under management (AUM) of affiliated entities measured as of December 31, 2024. AUM, as reported, may include notional assets, assets serviced, gross assets, assets of minority-owned affiliated entities and other types of nonregulatory AUM managed or serviced by firms affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers.