Future Growth Capital

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Future Growth Capital is a private markets investment business, created to support the UK’s Mansion House Compact objectives by unlocking private market opportunities for UK pension savers.

 A joint venture between Phoenix Group, the UK’s largest long-term savings and retirement business, and Schroders, one of the UK’s largest listed asset managers, Future Growth Capital is a trusted partner committed to driving long-term value with a strong focus on UK investment while also providing access to global opportunities.

Our mission is clear: to connect UK pension savers with high-quality investment opportunities that create economic growth. By supporting UK businesses and development projects, we are helping to create jobs, drive prosperity, and build a stronger Britain – one where people can retire with confidence.

Schroder Unit Trusts Limited ("SUTL") is the manager, and Schroder Investment Management Limited (“SIML”) is the delegated investment manager of Schroders (Future Growth Capital) UK Private Assets LTAF and Schroders (Future Growth Capital) Global Private Assets LTAF (the “Funds”), each a sub-fund of Schroders Capital Long-Term Asset Funds, an authorised contractual scheme in co-ownership form.

Future Growth Capital is a trading name of Schroder Investment Management Limited and Schroder Unit Trusts Limited, Future Growth Capital Limited is an investment advisor to Schroder Investment Management Limited.

Statement issued by Issued by Schroder Unit Trusts Limited, 1 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU. Registration No 4191730 England. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

For more information, visit www.schroderscapital.com or www.schroders.com

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