
Interactive Sponsor Profiles


At Octopus, we’re entrepreneurs and we’re investors, on a mission to back the people, ideas and industries that will change the world.

As entrepreneurs, we build our own businesses to address some of society’s biggest problems. Octopus Energy, our energy transition business, is the best example of this.  

As investors, we invest the money our clients have entrusted us with into the areas where we believe we can have the greatest impact. More than 85% of the money we manage is invested in line with three main themes: empowering people, revitalizing healthcare and building a sustainable planet. 

At our core, we believe that how a company behaves is just as important as what it does. That’s why we chose to become an accredited B Corp (the equivalent of a Fairtrade coffee stamp but for companies) and to change our Articles of Association so that the interests all our stakeholders – employees, customers, communities, environment and shareholders – are considered in every decision we make. 

Type of business
Financial adviser

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